Health Flags That Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Health Flags That Women Shouldn’t Ignore

There are times when one instinctively feels there’s something off about our health. That gut instinct might not be wrong. Read on to learn more about weird bodily symptoms that might give a clue to more sinister health concerns.

1. Post menopausal or mid-cycle bleeding
Bleeding in between periods can be a sign of cancer of the cervix or endometrium. Or cervical infections. Bleeding after menopause is never normal and must be evaluated by a gynecologist.

2. Breast lumps, inverted nipple and nipple discharge
A recently detected breast lump is one of the biggest health scares for a woman. It could be a harmless cyst or it could be a cancerous tumor. Bad signs include bloody discharge from the nipple, nipple inversion, scaling or oozing over the nipple, and breast dimpling. Your chances of developing breast cancer is higher if breast cancer runs in your family, if you do not have any children, or did not breast feed your child, are overweight, or took birth control pills for over 10 years. Consult your surgeon for a mammogram and needle aspiration of breast tissue for testing. Ask your gynecologist for information on how to perform a breast self examination.

3. Chronic Cough
Sputum or not, do not ignore any cough that lasts more than 2 weeks. Bad signs include chest pain, weight loss, breathlessness or blood in sputum.

4. Chronic Headache
If you suffer from a headache that you would describe as “the worst headache of my life”, or that began suddenly like a “thunderclap”, then that warranties an urgent visit to the neurologist. Migraines can be very nasty and brain aneurysms are akin to having a live bomb ticking inside your brain. A simple CT scan can change your life.

5. Frequent low grade fever
Frequent low grade fevers could be a sign of tuberculosis, blood or lymph node cancers or even an autoimmune disorder like lupus. Be prepared to go through blood tests, X-Rays and imaging tests to find the root cause.

6. Difficulty swallowing
If you have trouble swallowing, have a poor appetite, vomiting and weight loss, then consult your gastroenterologist. He will do tests which involve passing a tube with a mini camera into your throat to check for any tumors. And making you drink a medicated liquid which will make your throat and food pipe appear more prominent on an X-ray.

7. Easy bruising
Excessive or easy bruising requires blood tests to rule out blood or bone marrow diseases. It could indicate a vitamin C deficiency or even blood cancers.

8. Unexplained weight loss
If you have lost more than 10% of your body weight without any change in your diet or exercise habits, then that is unusual and deserves to be investigated. It could indicate a thyroid problem, underlying infections, digestive issues or just extreme psychological stress.

9. Chronic fatigue
Tiredness in women could be caused by stress, hectic lifestyle and lack of sleep or rest. But if you are feeling constantly tired despite adequate food, hydration and rest, then you must get yourself evaluated for thyroid disease, diabetes, Vitamin D deficiency and connective tissue disease. Fibromyalgia affects young women who are depressed. It causes vague symptoms like chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, and chronic pain (multiple muscle and joint pains). It is a partly psychological and partly physical ailment. It is a difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat condition which can cause deep physical and emotional anguish.

10. Abdominal bloating, blood in stool or blood in pee
Women tend to develop abdominal bloating in the few days prior to their period. But if abdominal bloating and discomfort do not go away, then consult a gastroenterologist. Blood in urine or stool are bad signs are well. They most likely indicate a bladder infection, kidney stones or hemorrhoids (piles), but must be evaluated by a physician.

11. Change in the appearance of a mole
There are well defined risk factors for skin cancer. If you have pale skin, blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes, a lot of freckles, more than 20 moles or several large moles; then you are at higher risk of developing skin cancer. If you have noticed any new moles, or if existing moles become larger, bleed, itch or ulcerate – then have them examined and biopsied by your dermatologist without delay. Multiple clinical studies have conclusively proven that regular use of sunscreens can help minimize the risk of skin cancer.

12. Chest pain
If you suffer from chest pains or a sense of heaviness and weight on your chest, which is triggered by exercise, stress or a heavy meal, then consult your cardiologist at the earliest. Cardiac pain can sometimes manifest as jaw pain, or shoulder pain, or radiating pain along the left arm without any actual chest pain!

13. Mood changes
Women are more vulnerable to depression and mood swings. Depression after child birth is fairly common, but severe depression can lead to suicidal or murderous tendencies and requires urgent psychiatric care. If you suffer from persistent sadness, increased use of alcohol, feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or others, then you are in serious need of help.

14. Calf pain
Sudden onset calf pain which appears after a long flight, or in a woman who’s on birth control pills, may be a sign of deep vein thrombosis. This happens when a blood clot forms in the venous network of the calf muscles. This clot can dislodge and travel to the heart or lungs to cause heart attack and breathlessness. Crampy pain in the calves while walking or exercising indicates blood vessel hardening and poor circulation. This is a warning sign for impending heart attacks, and must be evaluated by a cardiologist and vascular surgeon.

A woman’s health is often neglected by her loved one’s, often until it is too late. Even worse, women often tend to neglect their own physical and emotional health. We all fall sick from time to time. But an educated and self-aware woman can vastly improve the quality of her life by early detection and prompt treatment of medical ailments. When the woman of the house falls ill, the household falls ill. Care well for yourself and do not neglect those odd aches and weird bodily symptoms which don’t seem to go away.

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