The Alma Pico Clear laser

Powerful yet safe; Super effective yet gentle

Skin.Health Advanced Dermatology Center is proud to introduce our latest acquisition – The Alma Pico Clear laser, in its first ever installation in India.

We now enter an elite group of a handful of Dermatologists across India who own a Pico device.

Pico laser is the most powerful laser in the World for treatment of any kind of:

Tattoos in particular, are eliminated in the minimum number of sessions, compared to any other (traditional) Q switched laser available worldwide. Q switched laser uses ‘nanosecond’ pulses, while Pico lasers use ‘picosecond’ pulses, which make this laser far more effective, while increasing safety and decreasing pain levels. The original American Pico lasers had a 750 ps ‘pulse duration’.

The newer Korean Picos boasted of a 450 ps pulse duration. The Israeli Alma Pico Clear brings the 350 ps pulse duration, which is unmatched in the global laser market. All of these engineering innovations make the Pico far more effective, accurate and versatile, without compromising on safety.

Almost every Indian face over the age of 25 has some form of pigmentation. Chemical peels penetrate deeper than skin lightening creams and serums. Q switched Nd:YAG laser penetrates deeper than chemical peels.

And Pico Laser penetrates far deeper than any Q switched Nd:YAG laser available worldwide. Even with aggressive lasing, Pico lasers do not cause scarring or white depigmentation, which is dreaded when a Dermatologist tries to aggressively chase pigment using Q switched lasers.

Alma Pico Clear brings the best of Israeli engineering and innovation to India. As always, we strive to bring the world’s best laser technologies to your city.

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