Microblading and permanent eyebrow shaping

Our eyebrows are just as important as our eyes, when it comes to beauty, expressing emotion and human communication. Women spend a lot of time and money in shaping their eyebrows and coloring them; to enhance it’s beauty. Yes, many women have sparse, irregular, weak or asymmetrical eyebrows. Some have thinning and scanty eyebrows due to diseases like Hypothyroidism or Alopecia Areata.

Permanent shaping and designing of eyebrows is possible using a technique called Microblading. Microblading does NOT involve tattooing. Cream based pigments are used, instead of tattoo ink. Specially designed fine medical blades called Microblades are used, instead of needles. The results, therefore, are more natural and 3-dimensional.

In the last few years, ‘Powder brows’ and ‘Ombre brows’ have become increasingly popular. Here the pigment is deposited in the skin using PMU machines. There is no actual powder that is used. The pigment is deposited using micropins to give the brows a powdered and shaded look. The results are striking and super-natural. This is also the technique of choice for patients with oily skin and open pores, where the microblading technique is likely to fail. What’s the difference? Powder brows are the choice of ladies who wish to have the permanently ‘made up’ look for the brows – Instead of penciling in their brows each time. Ombre brows are the choice of ladies who are seeking a more natural, rather than “made-up” look.

A lot of Dermatologists combine Microblading along WITH machine work to produce beautiful, filled-out and perfectly symmetrical eyebrows which look natural, even on close examination. These are known as Hybrid brows.

Nanoblading is the latest innovation, using finer and more flexible blades to create brows where each stroke of hair is created to blend in with the existing hair, along their natural pattern of growth. These are referred to as ‘Hair Stroke Brows’. The result looks fantastic and uber natural, even for men and those with curly eyebrows, who are going for a more relaxed look.
At Skin.Health Advanced Dermatology Center, we offer all of the above options.

What does the process entail? Be prepared to spend nearly 2 hours at the center at the first visit. This includes counseling, pre-treatment pictures, consent form, eyebrow mapping using specially designed pencils and calipers. The choice of eyebrow shape will depend on the shape of the patient’s face, their age, gender and personal choice. Numbing cream is placed over the brows for an hour, to provide a comfortable and stress-free experience. The most popular and most commonly used technique is the Hydrid Brows. The microblade or nanoblade is used to create the hair strokes in the demarcated area. The strokes are then stroke repeatedly with the customized pigments, based on the colour most suitable for your skin type. Finally 2-3 passes of PMU machine fills in more colour, for the finished look.
The after-care is super simple. It does not involve any painkillers, antibiotics or expensive post treatment creams. What can you expect in the days to follow?

You will LOVE your brows as you leave the center. However, your brows will look super dark over the next 3-4 days. Be prepared for this, as first-time patients usually panic by this point. Between the 5th-7th day, your brows will feel a little itchy, and the pigment will begin to scab and peel. By Day 8-10, once the scabs have fallen off, it will look like your brows look the same as before! Have faith.. Between 14-28 days post treatment, the pigment will start showing up and you will be in love with your new brows. They are likely to be a little uneven and faded at this point. We call in all our patients for a free touch-up between 45-90 days of the original treatment. The touch up is a simpler process which doesn’t take as much time.

Annual touch ups are recommended. This is NOT a tattoo, so the colour will begin to fade in 12-18 months.

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