Tattoo Removal

Q switched Lasers were considered the only treatment that work in eliminating tattoo ink. It works by blasting the tattoo ink and breaking them down. The blast and destruction of the ink triggers your immune system to come in and clean up the spots, carrying the ink with it. Because the laser targets only the ink, it is able to treat the tattoo that is deep in your skin while leaving the surface of your skin undamaged. Professional tattoos tend to use a higher quality ink in higher quantities, which makes complete tattoo removal difficult. So often times a shadow of the tattoo remains even after extensive or repeated laser treatments. Black and blue inks are easier to remove. Amateur and older tattoos are easier to treat. Most patients need several treatments over a period of months to fully remove a tattoo, depending on the color and size of the tattoo.

In addition to Q switched Lasers, our center now offers the Alma Pico Clear laser, which is the latest innovation in the treatment of tattoos. We are proud to announce that this is the very first installation of the Pico Clear device in our country. Pico lasers are far more powerful and effective in the clearance of tattoos. Pico lasers require fewer number of sessions to achieve tattoo elimination, without compromising on safety. 

While the Q switched laser rarely ever worked on green or red tattoos, Pico lasers are far more effective in fading away these stubborn colours. While Q switched lasers can sometimes lead to scarring during aggressive lasing, Pico lasers never cause scarring. Imagine tattoo ink under your skin as a big rock of pigment. Q switched Nd:YAG lasers break down the rock into little pebbles of ink. Your tattoo is now much lighter but not fully clear. 

Pico laser is then capable of turning these pebbles into fine sand, thereby eliminating the last remnants of the tattoo ink, that the Q switched laser is unable to break down any further. For more information, go to Patient Information Leaflets > Cosmetic > Pico Laser.

Q switched Lasers were considered the only treatment that work in eliminating tattoo ink.

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